President: Mrs. E. Meenan
President: Mrs. Anne Fitzpatrick
Chairperson: Mr. Philip Carthy
Vice-Chairperson: Ms. Magdalena Szczygiel
Hon Secretary: Mrs. Sinead Murphy
Ass. Hon. Secretary: Mrs. Louise Egan
Hon. Treasurer: Mr. Philip Carthy
Cup Secretary: Mrs. Lorraine Storey-McCormack
I.K.C. Reps: Mr. P. Carthy & Mrs S Murphy
Ms K. Budasz; Mrs. K. Conlon; Ms. M. Kotani; Mr A O'Leary; Ms. K. Waters;
K. Conlon; Ms. M. Kotani; Mrs. S. Murphy; Mr A O'Leary;
Anyone wishing to join the Cavalier Club of Ireland must be proposed and seconded by existing members.
Proposer and Seconder must not be related, and Proposer must be a member of more than two years standing,
and then be duly elected by a majority vote of the committee.