linia (1 kB)

officers (10 kB)

President: Mrs. E. Meenan

President: Mrs. Anne Fitzpatrick

Chairperson: Mr. Philip Carthy

Vice-Chairperson: Ms. Magdalena Szczygiel

Hon Secretary: Mrs. Sinead Murphy

Ass. Hon. Secretary: Mrs. Louise Egan

Hon. Treasurer: Mr. Philip Carthy

Cup Secretary: Mrs. Lorraine Storey-McCormack

I.K.C. Reps: Mr. P. Carthy & Mrs S Murphy


Ms K. Budasz; Mrs. K. Conlon; Ms. M. Kotani; Mr A O'Leary; Ms. K. Waters;

Guarantors to IKC

K. Conlon; Ms. M. Kotani; Mrs. S. Murphy; Mr A O'Leary;

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join (4 kB)

Anyone wishing to join the Cavalier Club of Ireland must be proposed and seconded by existing members.

Proposer and Seconder must not be related, and Proposer must be a member of more than two years standing,

and then be duly elected by a majority vote of the committee.

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