The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of Ireland was founded in 1959 to promote, foster and encourage the breed, and the first meeting was held on November 6th of that year at the home of Mrs. Bartels. It was then that the first Constitution was drawn up and an annual subscription of 10/- was fixed. Affiliation to the Irish Kennel Club was also applied for.
From the records of that time, it is obvious that a great deal of enthusiasm existed among the members, as well as a determination to establish and strengthen the club numerically.It is difficult to quantify the hard work and dedication of all the early members, but the contribution made by the Ledbetter family cannot be overlooked, and it is lovely to see that the connection is still there with Mrs. Wendy Harrison nee Ledbetter and her husband being members to this day. The first recorded trophy was offered by the Secretary, Mrs. Bartels, when she presented a silver spoon as a special prize for the Monkstown Show in 1960.
As early as July 1960, the Committee was aware of the importance of Specialist Judges. Lists were obtained form the Cavalier Clubs of England and Scotland and from the Kennel Club in London. One of the judges listed was Mr. Fullwood, and he was passed by the Council for judging our St. Patrick’s Day show in 1961. Breed notes appeared for the first time in “Our Dogs “ and “Dog World” and the Committee sought for bulletins and pamphlets from the clubs in England and Scotland for resale to members interested in breeding.
One of our early contributors was the late Mrs. Keswick, who needs no introduction to breeders and exhibitors in this country. Of the famous Pargeter Kennels she made an outstanding contribution to the breed both in Great Britain and the United States. In fact, Miss Spalding’s Pargeter Fergus of Kilspindie imported from England and bred by the late Mrs. Keswick was the first dog from the States to become a Canadian Champion. She presented the Cavalier Club of Ireland with the well-known and coveted Pargeter Trophy, awarded annually to the winner of Reserve Best Opposite Sex at the I.K.C. St. Partick's Day Championship Show, as well as many others.
The other trophies presented by founder members and still much sought after by exhibitors are the “Loch Fee Cup” presented by Mrs. Bartels, and the “Corr Castle Cup” presented by Mrs. Gaisford St. Lawrence.
At the A.G.M. held on 20th November 1964, the President, Mrs. Bartels, in a short address, referred to the growth of the club and the improved numerical and financial position and also the fact that two champions had been made up during the year. It was at this meeting that the Chairman, Mrs. Gaisford St. Lawrence proposed that the Club have its own show and offered the grounds of her home at Howth Castle for the venue. This was very enthusiastically received and the first show was held on 21st August 1965. A number of shows were subsequently held at Howth Castle, which was truly a wonderful venue. Closely associated with this first show was Mr. Plunket, and Mrs Mary Whelan who stewarded for many years Later on we had many years of valuable service from Mr. Pax Hackett who was such a efficient and able steward. The Championship Show was then moved to the month of June which has since become the traditional date and is always judged by a breed specialist. Our venue for many years was the beautiful grounds of Willow Park College. In latter years we have moved our Show to the new Show Grounds purchased by te Irish Kennel Club at Cloghran on the north side of Dublin.
By 1967 there were twenty-two champions and six English and Irish Champions. Three of the champions came from one litter bred by Lady Levinge and ten of the champions were owned by Mrs. Nugent, of the Tnegun prefix, and six of these were out of Tnegun Florabell, truly a remarkable Brood Bitch. One champion was Mrs. Turle’s(Sunninghill) and Mrs. Bartles "Sunninghill Perseus of Loch Fee", who is the sire of Heatherbell, Patsy and Perle.
In the years that followed, the breed continued to grow in strength and popularity to become the largest Toy Breed in Ireland, and in fact we had the honour to see a lovely "Tnegun" dog win Best in Show at our Irish Kennel Club Show in 1975 for the first time.This dog was called "Tnegun Return Train" and was owned by Mr. & Mrs Forster. Following on from this many Cavaliers have won Groups and Best in Shows both here and across the water including Crufts where a lovely Blenheim dog from the famous "Ronnoc" Irish Kennels won B.O.B. These successes can only be atributed to the dedication and hard work of the small band of enthusiasts who have brought the breed from strength to strength, and also to the many Officers and Committies who over the years have guided the Club with good humour and great dedication.
In May 1975 our then Chairman Mrs. Nugent designed a new club Badge which was received with great delight, and shortly afterwards we had our first Club Magazine called "Fetherings", the first edition was edited by Miss Mary Hughes.
In 1977, at a Committee Meeting, Mrs Nugent suggested the Club hold a Members Open Show to give members experience of judging the breed at this level. This was warmly accepted and has since proven to be a tremendous success both in entries and as a social gathering, and is held each year in mid October and is now followed by the A.G.M.
In 1977, our Chairman was invited to undertake an extensive judging tour of New Zealand and Australia, and this was not only and honour for Mrs. Nugent, but a significant recognition of the Club. The success of her trip was illustrated at a social evening when members were treated to a talk and cine-film. Since then several of our Club Members have been invited to Judge our Breed in the UK, Europe, America, South Africa, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and many other countries, and it is always exciting to find a lovely specimen that has either come from or is desended from Irish stock.
In 1984 our club was 25 years old and we had the honour to host the "Amice Pitt Rally" that year. This was combined in a weekend of Ch. Show and Rally, and many of our friends from the various UK/Scottish and Welsh Clubs came to support the event, especially the Northern Cavalier Club who came in a coach armed with several specially composed songs. Our much loved friend the late Brigidier Jack Burgess or "Bridget" as he became affectionally known also helped to leave so many funny and wonderful memories of that weekend that will long be remembered when gatherings of Cavalier folk occur. In honur of this event our first Book of Champ8ons was published giving details of all Champions made up from 1959 to 1984.
As the Rally moves around from Club to Club each year our turn again came in 1994. This time we decided to co-host the event with the Northern Ireland Club that had been formed back in 1979 and an enthusiastic Sub committee of members of each Club got together for several meetings at the Fairways Hotel in Dundalk out of which came another unforgettable weekend of cavalier Fun and Frolics which was held at the Victor Hotel in Dun Laoire. We also published a yearbook together with a further chapter of Champions from 1984 to 1994.
In 1996 it was suggested by the Secretary that we have a new event during the year, and our Summer Garden Party was born together with our "Pup of the Year". Many of these events took place in the gardens of the fairways hotel in Dundalk, and was also followed in the afternoon by a "Toy Match" and Fun Classes. The day then finished with a Strawberry/Cream Tea Party. In recent years we have now also added a competition for our "Veteran of the Year" and it is a wonderful to see all the "Golden Oldies" enjoying their day out.
In closing our story at this point I should like to pay tribute to all the many past Chairs, Secretaries, Committies and Members who have contributed in no small way to the success of our Club and who have a tradition for good humour and sportsmanship which our lovely breed deserve. Finally I should also like to thank our Sponsors - Pedigree, Friskies, Frontline and many others who have helped us so generously over the years.
Long life, good health, and lots of fun in the coming years to all the Cavalier folk and success to all our wonderful friends THE CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIELS.
Evelyn Hurley
Hon. Secretary